MasterClass Stainless Steel Deluxe Egg Separator
No more fiddly shells – no more messy fingers! Separating egg yolks from whites is really simple with the MasterClass Stainless Steel Egg Separator.
It’s so easy to use. Place it over the top of a mug, dish or tumbler, and crack your egg into its angled bowl. This catches the egg yolk, while its perforations allow the egg white to collect in your receptacle.
As well as being quick and effective, this handy egg divider cuts down on mess – you won’t end up with raw egg on your kitchen worktop (or your hands!).
It’s fantastic for quickly separating egg yolks if you want to make custards, carbonara sauces or mayonnaise – or collecting egg whites for meringues, macarons or mousses!
This egg separator comes with a five-year guarantee.